Tasty Elearning Example – Sugar Crush Saga

Game players regularly exhibit persistence, risk-taking, attention to detail, and problem-solving, all behaviours that ideally would be regularly demonstrated in school. – The Education Arcade at MIT Recently I’ve been playing a super addictive game – Sugar Crush Saga in my leisure time. I would say it is by far one of most difficult gamesContinue reading “Tasty Elearning Example – Sugar Crush Saga”

The Gamification in Education

Gamification [n]: the use of game design elements in non-game contexts. It is the process of using game thinking and game mechanics to solve problems and engage users. Gabe Zichermann is an entrepreneur, author, highly rated public speaker and gamification thought leader. He is the chair of the Gamification Summit and Workshops, and is co-authorContinue reading “The Gamification in Education”